Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Thank you cards

I received so many sweet thank you cards at the end of this school year. Thank you so much to all my sweet students. Here are a few.

Abstract art

The Pre-K students looked at different abstract art and talked about what it made them feel and what they saw in the paintings. I gave the students different art supplies pencils colored pencils pastels and then watercolors. The students listen to different types of classical music Andrew what it made them feel.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


I saw this project on miniMatisse blog : surprise-one-day make-take-or.html
I made this project with second-grade students. They had a lot of fun thank you 

May bulletin boards

Here are the bulletin board displays from May 

Self portraits

Third-grade students looked at themselves in the mirrors and learned about drawing self-portraits. Then they each made their own self portrait using pencils sharpies crayons and watercolors.