Friday, December 23, 2016


today I cut open an onion and saw this.
I have not posted for a while ,since I have updated my phone I have not  been able to post. so it's taking me a while. I am still working on figuring that out. happy winter break.


5th grade students designed a Hanukkah dreidel.  on black paper they drew their design with glue then let it dry.  next class they used chalk pastels to make their project they needed to use neutral colors for the project or the background  and analogous colors for the other part.


2nd graders made heart using pastels and printing with black paint.


Boats were created by the first graders.  using pieces of cardboard they printed the shape of their boat with black paint.  next they colored in their  boats using fluorescent pastels the background was painted with different shades of blue and green and white paint.


  penguins were made by the kindergarten students.  the students studied about Thin and Thick lines and then made them using crayons and watercolors. students studied about the lives of penguins and added a collage of penguins using paper and pastels to their artwork.

Origami pictures

Grade students created origami pictures. I saw this project on another art blog when I find the post I will link it.

Ozobot art

The second grader students used Ozobots.  using different colored markers they created a pathway and added codes for the  Ozobot.

chanukha sand art

3rd Grade students created Hanukkah sand art .  
then added their own design for the frame.


First graders created a  menorah (chanukiah)  for Chanukkah. they used wood and clay and then painted with acrylic paint.